A series of lessons intended to set you up for success! Course Information Tracks: Foundation, Seven Wings of Wellness, The Initiate’s Path Categories: Emotional Wellness, Family Wellness, Financial Wellness, Mental Wellness, Physical Wellness, Social Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, The Initiate’s Path, Wings of Wellness Course Instructor Kit Soulcraft Author With assistance from: Rosalyn J, and Talon Foundations Make SMART Goals Good goals are SMART S: SpecificM: MeasurableA: AchievableR: RelevantT: Time-bound Head over to this website: Mind Tools-SMART Goals. Watch the video and read through the lesson. (then come back here! don’t get lost!) Setting goals is extremely hard for me. As someone with ADHD, I have the often experienced “Time Blindness” I recognize that future […] Failure We just talked about goals, and the scary part of making them is the knowledge that we can fail. Many of us grew up under the “you must be perfect” era of parenting so it’s often programing that’s so deep, you just get a jolt of fear or dread when thinking about goals and not […] Learning Styles I’m only 36 years old, and if I was to say anything about my life, it’s that I always have had to learn something new. Whether it was to keep up on my favorite technologies, learn a new craft, pick up something at work, repair something that broke in the home, research the new technology […] Critical Thinking Strategic Thinking is the toolbox of different thinking styles that equips you to survive in this (mis)Information Age. In choosing the path of the Jedi you have knowingly or unknowingly decided to take your own path. And if you haven’t found out already, you’ll soon see that when you’re not spoon fed answers to things, […] Credible Sources The world is full of misinformation. Back in the days before the internet, and in it’s early life, we would go to the library and open a book. We would accept the information in the book as gospel, and build everything on top of that. Problem is, even in printed and edited books, there was […] Misinformation We need to be mindful, that the information we absorb and trust, and the information we share, are factual and true. The problem with misinformation isn’t so much a matter of “it’s wrong”. But more because they can easily harm people. If it’s simple rumor created, or assumptions made, you risk harming that person and […] Share This Post Have your say!10 Previous ArticleThe Initiate’s Path: Block 0Next ArticleTIP Block 2: Precepts 1 Comment David Chiasson November 11, 2023, 6:58 pm I found this very interesting so far I want to know more. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <s> <strike> <strong> Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
David Chiasson
I found this very interesting so far I want to know more.