
A connection to the Force brings Peace
The study of the Force grants Knowledge
Adherence to the Force lead to Harmony
Immersion in the Force gives you Serenity
At the end there is no death only the Force.

We are Jedi We seek to live in harmony with the world to the best of our understanding and ability We refrain from harm when possible and to minimize the harm done when it is not We acknowledge that all life has the potential for good and honor that potential We are committed to a world without prejudices against race, gender, sexual orientation or any trait that does not harm or infringe upon the rights of others. In light of these statements, we seek a world governed by logic and compassion not fear and strive towards this with an honest heart and open mind.

  • Force: A universal entity or energy that all Jedi determine for themselves
  • Wisdom: Knowledge and the ability to use or not use it as dictated by the situation
  • Empathy: The ability to connect with other beings
  • Discipline: A Jedi practices the disciplines of mind, body, and spirit in order to be of better service to the world and the Force. As well as to avoid actions or words that might cause harm.
  • Service: A Jedi is of service to the Force as they understand it and to others to the best of their ability.

  • Acceptance: A Jedi accepts what is and works from this stance. Attempting to deny reality only clouds the path.

  • Restraint: A Jedi knows that action and inaction have consequences. They weigh the results of both and move forward or stay put as the situation dictates.

  • Development: A Jedi betters themselves in order to be of greater service and to have a greater understanding of when to show restraint and what must be accepted.

  • Over Attachment: This pitfall can lead to refusal of discipline, failure to show restraint, halting development, an inability to accept reality, and as such impact your ability to serve the Force or those in need.
  • Denial: This pitfall clouds the mind and obscures the way ahead. It is the opposite of the habit of acceptance.
  • Haste: Acting too soon shows a lack of restraint and can lead to missed details. Moving in haste can often be more dangerous than not moving at all. Practice restraint to avoid this pitfall
  • Clouded Mind: Allowing emotions and attachments to cloud your thinking can lead to haste and failure to even see what you must accept. Meditation and mindfulness are the remedies to this pitfall.
  • Stagnation: This pitfall is restraint taken to far. It halts development and can stop service or lead to reduced ability to serve as one fails to develop with the times.

I swear/affirm that I shall uphold the values of the Jedi path to the best of my ability and understanding. If I choose to take an apprentice I shall do so in good faith and shall train them to the best of my ability. I shall always seek to cultivate myself and my apprentice’s knowledge of the living Force. This path is of my own choosing and while I acknowledge no one can walk it for me, I honor those that walk it with me.

So by this I call to my heart:

Be compassionate, even unto myself
Be sincere, without this I cannot teach
Be strong, in heart, soul, and mind
Be a leader, most especially as one I wish I had
Be a teacher, guidance must be tailored, and wisdom shared freely
Be in service, for this is the essence of leader, teacher, and Knight
Be the Smith, for I, not the world, shapes my own Will
Be impassioned, for this is where I find my drive
Be of joy! For this will feed my spirit
Be in health, for this will fuel my resolve
Be of life! For all the rest will follow

-Written by Kit Soulcraft for the Jedi Conclave

Adherence to the Code
Acceptance of Duty
Acts as a beacon on the path.

I swear/affirm I will cast my vote in consonance with the bylaws and practices passed by the Council, if there is no law, in consonance with my sense of what is most just, without favor or enmity and I will listen impartially to accusers and defenders alike.