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Why Power

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The following is a dialogue that came about early this morning


There is also something to "why do people seek power"? In a society where equality is the ideal, why is power needed


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:06 AM

it feels good to be importaint

[10:06 AM]

People want others to look up to them


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:06 AM

To the forum?


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:06 AM

oh !! good idea!


Eremite1052 — Today at 10:07 AM

I would say that power is essential in order to do things.  But we need to distinguish the types of powe.


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:07 AM

Perhaps a feeling of hopelessness, powerlessness?


Eremite1052 — Today at 10:07 AM

Which I will cheerfully talk about in the forums.  🙂


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:07 AM

Lack of conteol

[10:09 AM]

What is power?


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:10 AM


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:10 AM

Like love, is it an abstract idea, feeling, thing?

[10:10 AM]

We know it when we see it

[10:10 AM]

But is it the same as control?


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:11 AM

I don't think power necesarily means CONTROL but a lot of people feel that control means power

[10:11 AM]

i:e abusive spouses


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:12 AM



Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:12 AM

I feel like the "Why leaders eat last" guy would have a good answer for that

[10:15 AM]

can;t think of it off the top of my head though


@Rosalyn j

Like love, is it an abstract idea, feeling, thing?


Eremite1052 — Today at 10:15 AM

It can be.  I like the model of power over and power with.

[10:16 AM]

Power over would be dominating, controlling, etc.  Power with would be more "why leaders eat last"


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:17 AM

What is the relationship between power and responsibility

[10:18 AM]

That I think is the difference between control, which is only something one can have/should have over oneself


@Rosalyn j

What is the relationship between power and responsibility


Eremite1052 — Today at 10:18 AM

Responsibility is one of the prices of power


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:19 AM

And responsibility is something one has to others/ situations


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:19 AM

Simply because no one wants to be equal when surrounded by mediocrity.


Its why 'what superpower would you want?' is an actual topic people can delve into. People want to be special, different, powerful... Not realizing you can be that by lifting others up.

[10:19 AM]

Rising tide that lifts all the ships.


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:21 AM

What responsibility does our society have for...sort of inducing mediocrity?


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:21 AM

what do you mean?


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:22 AM

And the question also "will people accept the lift or drown"


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:22 AM

To make mediocrity better. A median is only because of the sum of the numbers around it.


@Rosalyn j

And the question also "will people accept the lift or drown"


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:22 AM

Boats can't refuse the tide

[10:22 AM]

Think of it like this...


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:22 AM

People can thoudh


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:22 AM

we need to celebrate what we do


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:22 AM

Because they are not boats


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:23 AM

apreciation keep people content (provided it's not fake)


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:23 AM

Lgbt rights... Decades ago you could be hate crimed for being part of it. But now... You still can. But people get angry about it when they used to just move along.

[10:23 AM]

We rose as a people's through knowledge.

[10:23 AM]

And as a result, the tide came in and all the boats went up.


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:23 AM

Little actions by many people


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:23 AM

Yeah there are people with short chains to their anchors struggling to adapt.

[10:24 AM]

But they will eventually, or theyll be replaced by better boats (the next generation)


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:24 AM

It sort of depends on who's on which boats


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:24 AM

Lotta boats.

[10:24 AM]

Lotta people.

[10:24 AM]

And people tend to be with their boat people.


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:25 AM

Many boats are not necessarily better boats


@Rosalyn j

Many boats are not necessarily better boats


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:26 AM

very true


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:26 AM

They may be boats who bought a lie


@Rosalyn j

They may be boats who bought a lie


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:28 AM

And that's for the people on the boat to determine.

[10:28 AM]

That's the thing about boats.

[10:28 AM]

You're not stuck on a single boat.


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:29 AM

and I can swim!

[10:29 AM]

I don't think I'm in a boat.  I have a donut

[10:29 AM]




Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:31 AM


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:32 AM

We stretching this metaphor like a rubber band



[10:32 AM]

I love it


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:34 AM

Leave it to the Jedi to take a metaphor and run with it until we run the boat ashore.

[10:35 AM]

You ask questions, you get anchors. ;p


@Rosalyn j

What responsibility does our society have for...sort of inducing mediocrity?


Eremite1052 — Today at 10:35 AM

I think it has to do with solutions and scale.  If you are implementing a solution for millions of people you need uniformity or you can't do it.  Uniformity tends to lead to mediocrity.


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:37 AM

I'm feeling like I got a lot of questions

[10:37 AM]

Is my journal just for TIP?


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:39 AM


[10:39 AM]

use it as it suits you




@Rosalyn j

Is my journal just for TIP?


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 10:39 AM

It's your journal. Just be sure to label TIP lessons clearly for grading. <3


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:40 AM

I think you can tag posts with a keyword thing.  TIP would work if it lets you


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:40 AM


[10:40 AM]

Then in that case can you unlock my tip?

[10:42 AM]

Doesn't look like I have the option 😔


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:43 AM

oh! let me look

[10:48 AM]

I got it moved to the journal section but I'm not seeing any settings that would keep you from using it. still a problem?


Rosalyn j — Today at 10:50 AM

The tag thing doesn't appear?


Kit Soulcraft the Tired — Today at 10:51 AM

ok don't worry about it then.  I'll look into it later 😄


Rosalyn j — Today at 11:11 AM

I got some articles

[11:11 AM]

Here we go!

[11:11 AM]

Can...can we paste this convo to the forums?

[11:12 AM]

I wanna think about all the thoughts


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 12:18 PM

Trying to figure how to do that on mobile lol


Rosalyn j — Today at 12:22 PM

Oh don't worry...if y'all are chill I can put it up when I get home


Arisaig Winterthorn — Today at 12:25 PM

Of course! <3

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Rosalyn J

Darcy-Raine Winterthorn
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 85

I've had a few more days to think upon this, and now I even have a keyboard so I can properly do this. 

One argument against the Marxist/Engels ideal society is that "someone will always try to rise above"... when the whole point is that there is nothing to rise above into, no point to trying to 'have more' when everyone has more than they need. The types of people that hold this mindset/ preconceived flaw of an untried system is this idea that everyone is just trying to get ahead, that everyone values themselves more than their neighbour, than their fellow person, and will throw you under the bus to further their own goals.

But, in reality... is that fact? I don't believe so, and most faiths, personally held and practised, preach the equality of all and to put others before yourself or to at least be good to others (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you/ Do not do what is detestable to you unto others).

As such, I do not believe in this societal lie perpetuated by those that vast minority that can, would, and has crushed their fellow man under their boot to get ahead. This lie must be maintained to keep the lowest class at each others throats, when in actual fact if the truth was widely known, that this 'get ahead' mentality is taught, not inherit, that everyone would put the needs of the world ahead of their own. 

We are peoples of the Earth, and we're suffering as a species because we do not connect to it as we once did because we're taught to race through life in this desperate bid to get ahead, to achieve power (status, wealth, position, authority) when its not how we are as a species. 

Knight of the Conclave
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Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc

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Posts: 50

For me, I always start by defining the term. Most people use the dictionary 

Definition of power

 (Entry 1 of 3)

1a(1): ability to act or produce an effect
(2): ability to get extra-base hits
(3): capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect
b: legal or official authority, capacity, or right
2a: possession of control, authority, or influence over others
b: one having such powerspecifically : a sovereign state
c: a controlling group : ESTABLISHMENT often used in the phrase the powers that be
archaic : a force of armed men
chiefly dialectal : a large number or quantity
3a: physical might
b: mental or moral efficacy
c: political control or influence

So looking at the above why would people seek power? to be able to get things done or be safe. 

Why would a Jedi seek power? To better be able to serve. 
The more ability and authority one has the more one can work in service to others as you have more skill and weight to move things along. 
However, a Jedi should always remember that once you have power it's easy to abuse it and be careful to have checks against their own flaws. 

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.


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