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[Closed] Rules for Posting and Acceptable Behavior on Temple Grounds

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Joined: 3 years ago
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Conclave Rules

1. Discuss ideas NOT people. Insults and personal jabs will not be tolerated.

2. Swearing is not allowed on this page. Swearing about something too easily can become swearing at someone when it comes to sensitive topics.

3. Insulting anyone based on religion, sexuality, political views, etc shall not be tolerated.

4. Do you post nudity or links to NSFW material.

5. Trolling, baiting, or other attempts to stir the pot are not tolerated.

6. Spam posting that adds nothing to the conversation or are posted in multiple areas are not tolerated.

7. If you are told to let something go by a moderator, officer, or council member let it go and come back calm. Failure to do so will result in a time-out.

8. When posting keep the Best Practices in mind.

9. If a thread is made and rules are set at the outset of the thread they hold the same power as the rules set forth here. Any Council Member or Temple Officer can set a thread with specific rules. Anyone else can send a request to the moderation team. When creating such threads notify the moderation team and ensure that you give a link to that thread when doing so.

10. Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism are not tolerated as honesty and following of the law are expected for all members of this Temple.
Plagiarism is any attempt to pass material that you did not create off as your own. Citations should always be given when quoting material you did not create for a lesson. Citation need not be complex merely give the proper author of the material credit.
Copyrighted material is not allowed in our Temple Library. Nor is it allowed to be shared in any other area of the forums. If you do not own the material you cannot post it for download on the Temple website. Links to Youtube Videos or articles etc for discussion do not fall under the definition of copywritten material. 

Best Practices

1. Keep the Conclave Doctrine and your Jedi Code of choice in mind when responding.

2. Post with the intent of sharing your own view, not with the attempt of changing the views of others.

3. When you disagree keep compassion and serenity in mind. If you cannot reach an agreement walk away.

4. Do not post when angry or upset. It can wait until you have centered yourself.

5. Respect is earned. But civility is the rule of the day. Keep your words and deeds civil.

Reminder these rules are not the end all be all. As no set of rules can cover every form of ill-mannered behavior. If you are behaving in a way that is deemed to be trolling, harassing, or outside of the behavior expected of a Jedi of this Temple you will be asked to stop. The goal of these rules is to maintain a place of civility, peace, and learning for all those that come within these walls. Attempts to upset this will be handled by the moderators and officers of this Temple.

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.