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Hatters Lesson Log Book.

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My lessons and training projects will go here. 

Feel free to use what you see if you are a Knight of the Conclave. All others I prefer you ask. 

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 3, 2022 11:32 pm
Posts: 50
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Are villains truly evil?


In this lesson I wish you to take any two characters be they real or fictional that are typically considered villains. I want you to study them as deeply as you are able. Then answer the following:


  1. Considering Obi Wans statement “ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view” What is the villain's view of their actions

  2. If they view themselves as good and truths do indeed depend on viewpoint can we define them as evil?

  3. If they are not evil and the truth is not always objective do we have a right to oppose them?

  4. If we have such a right what gives it to us?

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 3, 2022 11:33 pm
Posts: 50
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Build your Focus


Many people in the electronic age find it hard to focus. Our attention is all over the place between emails and facebook and twitter and the kids etc etc. Its so bad for some that even when they have time to focus the silence is maddening. I would like you this week to find 3 to 5 articles, books, podcasts or any other media source you care to mention that teach you how to focus. I wish you to read them all and answer the following questions:


  1. In what way does your environment impact your focus?

  2. What exercises can you do to improve focus?

  3. What times of day are you best focused

  4. Do you suffer from a lack of focus when you need it?

  5. How does focus play into the Jedi path?

  6. Do you feel there is a danger to to much focus?

  7. If so what is that danger


From here to help with building focus take the next three days to work on some of the focus exercises you found. Please write a summary of how these have impacted you for good or ill.

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 3, 2022 11:42 pm
Posts: 50
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Can't pour from an empty cup


Last lesson we spoke about emptying your cup. The concept was to let go of preconceptions and arrogance and just listen and learn. To accept without judgment and learn the lesson at hand. However there is another saying that we are to consider now. You cant pour from an empty cup. This means that if you are running on empty that you are less able to help others if able to help them at all. If you can't take care of yourself, you will not be able to take care of others. So this week I want you to use the following resources and any others you wish (please cite) to answer the following questions.


Are you currently taking care of yourself so you can better fill the cups of others?


What are your favorite methods of refreshing your mind, body, and spirit?


What would you tell a person overburdened with tasks that is running themselves into the ground?


Finally in what way have you most recently “filled the cup” of another?



Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 3, 2022 11:43 pm
Posts: 50
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Codes of Knighthood lesson


This week we are going to look at other codes associated with Knights, Warriors, or other chivalric codes/orders. What I wish you to do is look at codes outside of the two Jedi codes listed by the Temple and pick at least three to analyze. From there I wish you to come up with your own Knightly Code.


Examples of codes you can look to:


The Jedi Crystal code.


The Grey Jedi Code 

The code of the Je'daii


The Knights Code here at the Temple


As well as the following outside resources:


Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 3, 2022 11:43 pm
Posts: 50
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Create a personal talisman or charm


This week I would like you to look at obtaining a personal talisman or charm that will remind you of your path. This can be as simple as carrying a small laminated card or bit of paper with the Jedi code on it or it could be buying/creating a bit of jewelry that you wear to remind you of your path. The important part is that its small enough to carry/wear daily and that it has meaning. When you go about selecting this charm take your time and be thoughtful as it is supposed to have meaning to you.


From there I would like you to answer the following:


What did you select? ( Post a picture if you are able )


Why did you select it?


What does it mean to you?


Will you carry it daily? Why or why not?


If you will not carry it daily why not and what did you learn from this lesson?


Why do you think I gave you this lesson?

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 3, 2022 11:49 pm
Posts: 50
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Developing Discipline


The Jedi path requires commitment and discipline as it is lifelong and not something that is going to be easy. Knowing this developing discipline early is a good way to make it easier as you might take up harder duties later on. So this will be the topic for this lesson.

For this lesson I want you to think on areas that your discipline slips (we all have them) and what you can do to solve this. So please answer the following questions and perform the following activity.


  1. What area of your life do you most need discipline in?

  2. What makes this area hard for you to master?

  3. What steps can you take sensibly and safely to correct this area to a level you are happy with?

  4. Think of at least two other areas you wish to improve discipline in.


    Activity: Find one thing in your life that you need discipline in that you can start to fix today. This does not have to be huge, nor should it be something that puts you in financial or physical hardships. If its exercise or diet please be sure to be safe and not start some extreme program that could get you hurt.

    Once you have identified the area you want to improve come up with a goal and a plan to reach it. From there for at least the next month I would like you to keep a journal with daily updates of both success and any setbacks. Be sure to allow room for some setbacks as we all have them and do not be too hard on yourself over it.

    At the end of the month please write up your experiences with it and how you feel about it going forward. As well as the answers to these questions. The journal you keep can be added if you wish but is not a requirement as it might be personal to you and this is just fine.

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:19 am
Posts: 50
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Duality vs Absolutes


We speak a lot of duality and things not being black and white during our training. However does this mean there are no absolutes out there as far as morals go? Now to be clear I am not talking about things like all killing is wrong as this clearly has exceptions such as feeding yourself or protecting yourself.

I am speaking about murder being wrong (self defense is not murder) sexual assault, theft, etc.


I would like you to read up on Moral relativism and Moral absolutism and answer the following questions:


  1. Which do you agree with?

  2. Do you prefer a blend of the two?

  3. What if any morals/ethics do you have that are absolute?

  4. Are there absolutes for you that you would not hold others to?

  5. Do you think there are absolutes that all people should be held to?





Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:20 am
Posts: 50
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Empty your cup


There is a story of a scholar that heads to a zen master to learn about Zen and Dharma. As they sit together the scholar is going on and on about his own knowledge. The Zen Master listens silently only interrupting to offer tea. As he pours the tea into his visitors cup he continues to pour until the cup is over flowing the visitor cries out “ Stop! Can't you see the cup is full?” The Zen Master responds “ You like this cup are full of ideas, how can I teach you when your cup is already overflowing?”


What can we learn from this story? When do we need to empty our cup? Have you ever been guilty of approaching a situation with a full cup when an empty one is what was needed? Please answer these questions and any other thoughts you might have.



Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:20 am
Posts: 50
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Fictional Religions


Find two fictional religions from any tv show, book, movie, comic series, or really any other work you wish and compare them to Jediism. In what ways can fictional religions take on a life of their own. Does the fact that its created instead of claiming divine inspiration a problem? Does it being man made impact its validity? What can we learn from the religions you chose? In what ways is the religion similar to Jediism? In what ways does it differ? Feel free to add anything else you feel relevant.

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:21 am
Posts: 50
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Find your Daemon


A Daemon is a Greek guiding spirit that is not a god but more than that which is mortal. Using this concept I want you to examine what your guiding spirit or energy is. What motivates you daily. What energy or concept excites you and motivates you? In short what is the energy that guides your life?


Meditate upon this and in 300 words or more answer the following:


  1. What would you name your Daemon or guiding energy?

  2. What does it motivate you to do?

  3. How does it connect to the Jedi path??

  4. What risks can it bring if you are not mindful?

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:22 am
Posts: 50
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Force Groups

This week I would like you to look at fictional Force based organization. I wish you to examine at least three of them with one being light side, one being grey, and one being dark side. I want you to learn what you can from any sources you can. Once your research is complete please answer the following


  1. What do you think these groups could teach both fictional and real Jedi?

  2. What of these groups would you belong to if not Jedi and why?

  3. How do you think we can relate these teachings to the Jedi path and the many different groups we have now?

  4. Are any of these groups similar to modern orders or religions?

  5. Why do you think that the Force allows so many groups and philosophies to have access to it and impact the world by using it?

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:24 am
Posts: 50
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Handling Impatience


Impatience can be a stumbling block on the path of the Jedi. It can lead to anger and being snappy with those around you. It can lead to stress, loss of sleep, and generally setting your day up for a downward slope if you let it get to you. So for this lesson, I would like you to answer the following questions and write a response based on them. Further, make patience your goal for at least this week and add your experiences with this to the write-up.


  1. What things make you impatient?

  2. Are there things like lack of sleep or being hungry that make it worse?

  3. How do you deal with impatience when it pops up?

  4. Is impatience ever beneficial for you?

  5. What lessons has making patience a goal taught you this week?

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:25 am
Posts: 50
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Jedi code of conduct


This week we look at what a Jedi should act like. In my opinion a Jedi should act in a manner fitting of the title knight.

So what does this mean? Well we shall start with how I view the matter. In my opinion a Knight should hold to the following behaviors and practices:



1)Accountability is the first key to Knighthood in my mind. It means that you are willing to be accountable for your actions. Not just to yourself. Though you should be your own harshest critic in the regard. But you are now accountable to your Apprentices and to your fellow Knights to provide a good example of what it means to be a Jedi. To give the proper training and to work with your Apprentice so as to help them on their own journey. In short accepting Knighthood means you are accepting that others will look to you and form ideas and judgments bases on your actions.

2) Dedication is the second key to Knighthood. This means you are dedicated to the path and to those you agree to walk with on it. You are dedicated to your own training. Jediism is not something we hit an end goal of. You are never done refining your training and living the path. It's a lifestyle that is ongoing and one that takes great commitment.
Further, you are dedicating yourself to the order who knights you and the Apprentices you decided to take on. You are agreeing to take certain duties on even if it's just the duty to help be an example of proper behavior. But if you take Apprentices or Officer roles then you have taken even more on. This means you cannot abandon the title lightly nor can you just disappear if you get bored.

3) Longevity is the final key. As a Knight, you are agreeing you are in this for the long haul. That at least for the foreseeable future you are dedicated to the path and your order. It's not some short-term few months thing. Training others can take a very long time and even then most Master and Apprentice relationships do not end just because you have walked them to the door of Knighthood. It is in my eyes a lifelong friendship and that is nothing to take lightly.



1. Live a life of virtue and honor
2. Dedication to studies of a philosophical or religious nature
3. Do works of charity and kindness
4. Keep with proper civility and etiquette when in any social setting outside one's home
5. Take care of one's appearance and hygiene. Do not present oneself as a slob or lout.

6. Take care of your mental and physical health via proper diet and exercise for these things.

You do not need to agree with these ideas or practices. In fact I encourage you to speak up on anything you feel is not needed for your path. This is simply meant to be a springboard for your own practices. What I wish you to do is:


  1. Come up with your own 3 to 5 point code of conduct or behavior

  2. Come up with your own set of regular behaviors for a Jedi

  3. If you disagree with my example please respond with the reasons.

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:31 am
Posts: 50
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How should dissenting opinions be handled


When it comes to being a Jedi we are supposed to be as neutral and fair as possible. But we all know that we are human and thus will have our biases and its impossible to deny that. So knowing this we will also know that there are some opinions that we will find vile, unpleasant, or horrific.

1. How should we handle these opinions?

2. How should we react to people espousing these opinions?

3.If it's a political matter how should we as Jedi go about handling an opinion we dislike being protected by law or the law/government furthering agendas we disagree with?

Pop Culture Jedi.
Knight of the Conclave
Council Member.

Posted : July 5, 2022 6:33 am
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